Monday, October 5, 2009

Conversations within...

Voice 1: Hello

Voice 2: Hello

Voice 3: Hello

Voice 1: Are you in?

Voice 2: You mean out?

Voice 3: Yes.

Voice 1: Yes, from the main stream bull shit.

Voice 2: Shit, I'm hearing voices.

Through the vines of our minds, through the cracks of our prison, yourself as you are all astronauts. Whats the bigger picture? WHATS THE BIGGER PICTURE?!?

You are still in it!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Welcome to the Jungle

The little bug slowly vibrates, sending cosmic messages to my mind.

Little voices of the Mushy god spoke

"Aummb omnb bgdang..." and on and on it goes..

With the spiraling beat, going up and interconnecting..

"It's Rizla blue!" one says, completely submerging into the carpet looking for the little stick insect..

The eyes were blue, everything tinged blue with exaggeration..

The flower pot and the catus have become plastics..

Out the door into the Jungle..soaring into transcendence..

Everything is one, an endless cosmic evolution..

Saturday, August 1, 2009

William Blake, Aldous Huxley and Jim Morrison

William Blake wrote The Marriage of Heaven and Hell during the late 17th century.

Aldous Huxley gets inspired by this work and names his book "The Doors of Perception", his experience with mescaline in 1954.

Then Jim Morrison names his infamous band "The Doors" after Aldous Huxley's book The Doors of Perception.

"If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern".

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The tree of life and the shining star

The voices of the fungus god,
and the jolly good dreams of red and white.
There came the blue haze like the blue blood,
Hilarious! Hilarious! Laugh till you cry...

The insect was, then it goes, spoof!
The ocean of the floor, the plastic, the glow
Bright and hazy, cold and damp
Hohoho Hohoho

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Unificationist Theory

All the roads leads you to one intersection. Where every mind and soul meet and collide, all becoming one. This is where the journey begins.

The realization that all is one in this cosmic dance of the great spirit, for once you shall feel free.